TXOGA Eblast May 2017
Put Motor Vehicle Crashes in Reverse Txoga Eblast 2017
Beware – Rattlesnakes Are Out Early
This winter has been unseasonably warm not just for us humans, but also rattlesnakes. On average, one to two people in Texas die each year from venomous snake bites according to Texas Health and Human Services. But that’s with a typical winter. This year, it’s been unseasonably warm causing those snakes to get out and…
Lower Injuries and Costs Reported in 2016
Link: Txoga 4Q Eblast
New OSHA chemical emphasis program includes refineries
As the Trump administration works to dismantle and reduce regulation, OSHA has moved forward with a significant new initiative. OSHA’s new Chemical National Emphasis Program (NEP) will bring regulatory attention to facilities with highly hazardous chemicals in amounts at, or greater than the threshold quantities listed in the agency’s Process Safety Management (PSM) standard at 29 CFR…
TXOGA: Keeping New Workers Safe